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Is your drinking water safe?

Water is a pure form of liquid available on earth for drinking purposes. Significantly it is not only used for drinking but also for other activities.
Water is a transparent, colorless liquid which serves as the main constituent of about 70% of the earth. It is available in three states, solid as ice, liquid as water and gas as water vapor. It is the most essential form of liquid required not only by humans but by every organism living on this planet.
Water on earth continuously moves through cycle of evaporation and condensation. Since every organism is greatly dependent on water to live we all need to ensure the water we consume is safe for drinking. Be it tap water or bottled water every type has contaminants in them.
The water available in the water tap is treated at water treatment is purified according to certain regulations and then sent to each one’s tap. After all this there are still harmful contaminants present in water. The contaminants can be anything from microorganisms to disinfectants or their byproducts. After being passed out through these treatment plants they are not even weeded out during the cleansing process. There are so many people who are unaware of such contaminants and consuming them resulting in many water-borne diseases.
How are humans using water?
 Most important and primary use of water in many countries is in the agricultural field preferably for irrigation. It serves as a key component in adequate growth of crops. Hence, mankind needs to realize the importance of water before its gets out of hand with the increasing population.
At times water is available in large quantities but is not purified hence not fir for drinking. These water supplies need to be filtered to avoid harmful diseases caused by bacteria and other pathogens residing in them. Water purifier systems are one way to purify water. This can be done on a very minimal basis starting right from your own home.
·         An individual should drink about 8-10 glasses of water per day to stay healthy and avoid dehydration.
·         Less than 1% of the water supply on earth can be used as drinking water.
·         Human bones are filled with about 25% water.
·         It takes about 450 liters of water to produce one egg.

Lashari group offers wide range of services. For more details, do visit our website at


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